Friday, May 10, 2019

Mintox 100% Natural Enzyme Fibre Drink

There's no substitute for making healthy choices, do you agree? Our bodies can become overwhelmed due to the volume of toxins exposed in its environment, signs of overload can include blotchy skin, bad breath, bloating, constipation, fatigue, indigestion, poor immune function, and recurring allergies. These symptoms can point to the fact that our elimination organs are not functioning as well as they should be.

Mintox is a 100% Natural Enzyme Fibre Drink developed by Nixon Malaysia Sdn Bhd, this product helps to regulate your digestive system and remove waste and toxins from your intestine, it is suitable for all ages especially those who are concern about their digestive health.

The product is made with 100% natural ingredients so it's mild and doesn't irritate the intestine, it works by softening the stools and removes harmful substance in the intestine, effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, and regulate bowel movement.

What are the ingredients used in Mintox?

New Zealand's natural green kiwi concentrated fruit powder – ACTAZIN™

ACTAZIN(TM) is extracted from New Zealand’s non-GMO Zespri Hayward kiwifruit.
The soluble and insoluble fiber in ACTAZIN™ gently promote and regulate intestinal activity. Medical research has confirmed that ACTAZIN™ is a prebiotic that provides nutrients to the digestive tract and promotes the replenishment of probiotic.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA)

AFA is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet that has superfood status due to high concentrations of essential fatty acids, proteins, and minerals. It is proven to improve overall health and strengthen the immune system, at the same time, purify the blood, improve gastrointestinal regularity which naturally helps the body to heal. Mintox uses AFA harvested from the purest and healthiest waters of the Upper Klamath Lake in southern Oregon, USA. 


Stevia is a plant-based food with zero calorie, zero-fat sweetener that does not raise the blood sugar level after consumption. It helps reduce overall sugar and calorie intake, maintains healthy food intake, helps fight obesity, and many health problems associated with obesity, such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

What exactly does Mintox claim to do?

Mintox promotes positive digestive system and promotes growth of beneficial bacteria. It improves intestinal environment, leading to better overall health.

✅Lower blood cholesterol and eliminates fats on the intestinal wall.
✅Boosts immunity and strengthens the body
✅Improves bowel function and helps to cure intestinal diseases
✅Clears fecal impaction, excretes toxins and maintains intestinal flora balance
✅Kills bad bacteria in the rectum and promotes bowel movements (solves constipation problems

How to consume Mintox?

Each box of Mintox comes with 14 sachets, use 1 sachet a day and take it before going to bed. The recommended way to consume this is to mix it with 200-250ml of warm water in a shaker, shake well and enjoy your drink.

What to expect? 

After 8-12 hours after consumption, you will experience an intense urge to pass motion, and subsequently expel loose, dark brown, foul-smelling, toxic stool so do not freak out ok? It's just getting rid of the toxins in your body.

How much is Mintox & Where to purchase? 

Mintox is sold at RM138 per box of 14 sachets for purchase please visit their FB page or you can contact +601123450201 for more details

What are my goals?

I am someone who doesn't go to the toilet easily, sometimes I have to down 2 dragon fruits to go, I am really excited to be trying out Mintox for 14 days, hoping to regulate my bowel as well as lose some belly fats so stay tuned for my next review on my progress and outcome of it.


  1. this looks goof for constipation ppl and cal helps to lower down cholesterol. im gonna check this out soon...

  2. Bestnya kalau boleh buang belly fats dan lancarkan sistem penghadaman! Sangat sesuai untuk mommy yang baru lahirkan baby. Me myself ada belly fats omg ^^'

  3. I make a habit to throw big at least once a day. It just I don't detox. It's good sometimes to detox your body. This mintox look promising. I would love to check this out.

  4. I love when yo mentioned Mintox can help reduce cholestrol and kill fat. If want to consume kena try on holiday la kalau tidak asyik nak ke tandas pula.

  5. A lot of benefit from this fibre drink product. I think wanna but n try consume everyday for a good result.

  6. bagusnya mintox. sesuai untuk sesiapa yang nak jaga badan. kena amal selalu baru boleh nampak kesan tu. berapa harga? tak mention pulak dalam entri

  7. I'm afraid I can see the effects after taking it hehehe there is a stinking smell, but right because in our body a lot of toxic that does not go out that make the body is always sick.

  8. Minuman jenis fiber memang bagus diamalakn. Disamping memelihara sistem penghadaman ia juga membantu untuk menurunkan berat badan kan? Yelah bila minum minuman berfiber ni perut akan rasa kenyang

  9. Kita rasa kita pun kena consume Mintox ni laa... Kita ada cholesterol yang agak tinggi. Manalah tahu lepas try kadar cholesterol kita turun ke kannn... Lagipun jenis sachet gini senang bawak Travel. Thanks sharing

  10. Wah bagus untuk buangnlemak2 degil di badan ya. Nanti nak tryla memandangkan sekarang i mmg dah gemuk huhuhu

  11. Oh it can boost immunity. That sounds good. I am looking for supplement for myself as well to boost my body immunity.

  12. I am on mintox detox too. Just started actually. Can't wait to see the end results.

  13. Ini untuk detox dan buang lemak yaa
