Thursday, October 29, 2020

Build & Learn with Mega Bloks

It's never easy being a mum trying to juggle a full-time job with family life but here’s one thing I look forward to is playtime with my kids. Thanks to Toys"R"Us, we recently received Mega Bloks Let's Get Learning & Mega Bloks Peek A Blocks Penguin Slide for us to review and my girls Miya & Mina is just fascinated with them.

Mega Bloks Let's Get Learning is a great set that has a large selection of versatile building blocks, they are safe for kids as young as 1 year old so I wouldn’t be worried when Mina is playing with it, she's one of those kids who loves putting things into her mouth. Since Mega Bloks are large in size, it is also easy to grip, put together, pull apart and it even comes with ideas for those clueless mummies like me to guide the kids. 

Mina loves her Mega Bloks, every time she plays, I noticed that she concentrates better, she is also starting to develop vocabulary such as numbers and colors and most importantly it teaches her to share and play together with her elder sister, Miya. 

To add to the fun check out Mega Bloks Peek A Blocks Penguin Slide, this is Mina’s favorite, she loves the popup feature of the penguin that rolls down the slide, which makes this very interactive for her even as an adult I enjoy it very much too, we could be going on and on for a few rounds before we're satisfied with it.

Both Mega Bloks Let's Get Learning & Mega Bloks Peek A Blocks Penguin Slide can be easily found at Toys"R"Us, you can check them out online at


  1. great toys and fun activity to do with kids, thanks for sharing!

  2. Block mcm ni mmg feveret anak2 Sisyat. Kalau dapat kat diorg, mmg ralit la dok bina sesuatu. Seronok nengoknya.
    Part yg x best, dh hbs main tinggal gitu je🤣🤦‍♀️

  3. Agree with you. My daughter also loves mega block. Its good for kids motor skill & concentration.

  4. Those blocks look fun even for the parents. If I buy these for kids, I might end up playing with them myself 😄

  5. Yes. Building blocks is good for a child’s motor and brain development. But I love that penguin at last hahaha

  6. this mega block also safe for kids because they will not eat this and safe for adults too since we wont step on this haha

  7. these toys are perfect for kids! from the colours to how safe they are, they make great gifts too.

  8. Yes, Anak-anak akan lebih kreatif main blocks gini. Imaginasi mereka pelbagai. Suka block besar-besar gini sebab yang kecik cepat hilang.
