Monday, December 21, 2020

City Gardening Mini Fair Christmas Market by City Gardening KL

City Gardening Mini Fair - Christmas Market held by City Gardening KL at The Linc KL is taking place from 10am to 8pm on 18th December to 20th December 2020 and here's my review of this amazing event that promotes safe, eco-friendly sustainable urban gardening at home, it's one event plant lovers can come together to learn more about gardening be it for your plant or your edible greens, connect with like-minded people and shop for various gardening products and plants from homegrown sellers. Admission is free and it's fun for all ages but it's best to leave the vulnerable ones at home. 

I do understand COVID-19 is still among us as much as we would like to enjoy ourselves, it's important to follow the recommended SOP guidelines at the event, so please put on your mask, bring your own sanitizers, scan the QR before you enter, and practice social distancing.

p/s to make it friendly for mother nature please bring along your own bags as well. 

City Gardening Mini Fair is a place where all plant lovers can come together to shop, trade, exchange advice, meet like-minded people, and shop for various gardening products and plants. 

Find out more about City Gardening Mini Fair held by City Gardening KL on their social media

 FB Page



It is my first time attending a plant swap and I was really excited, this activity is organized by Plant Exchange by Plant Swag, if you love plants too, come join in the big family on their FB group Plant Swag (Swap/Gift), it was RM5 to adopt a new plant and so I did that, got myself my first edible plant - Brazillian Spinach. I also had so much fun learning from the people in the group, they were very nice to share more gardening tips to newbies like me, my hopes are high for starting my edible garden, let's keep my fingers crossed. 

Art Market Malaysia has collaborated with City Gardening Mini Fair to showcase botanical paintings by artist with disabilities, they are located at the event space on level 2, the paintings were lovely, do give them the support they need, I think they make great Xmas gifts. 


If you're an avid plant collector and love collecting rare and unusual plants, you'll love Greenplants Mellor and Zhanarin Flowers, both stores have brought their collection of rare plants, priced reasonably.

Wanna spruce your home with some plants? Check out The perfect houseplants & The Mini Plants both of them specialize in indoor plants, both owners are extremely friendly, they would be able to advise you on the best choices for your home. 

Love to plant some edible greens in your garden? Organic Spoonful is run by deaf gardeners who pre-pack various types of planting boxes to make it easier for you, I got myself the Ghost Pepper starter kit and I can't wait for the outcome. Also not forgetting Midorie, if you do not have green fingers fret not, pascal is a great choice for your plants, the soil-less technology makes it way easier to take care of your plants.


Oh yes! For a plant love like myself, I had so much fun here, parking at The Linc KL was a breeze but I came earlier to avoid the crowds, so try to avoid lunch and dinner hours. The prices of plants are relatively good value, I was blown away with some rare finds like, overall I enjoyed myself very much City Gardening Mini Fair by City Gardening KL and I can't wait to come to their 2nd edition, I hope they will be able to bring together more trendy gardening stores, see what surprises are there for me. 

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to visit The Linc and I hope MCO 2.0 will end soon. I would love to visit there and buy some greens for my small garden
