Dusseldorf, Germany Part 1
Jia Shin Lee
- October 25, 2014

Finally my dream came true! I was super excited when hubs called me URGENTLY when I was happily sleeping after some doing massive damage to my wallet BKK, he asked for my passport number :X We're going to Europe!
Here's something funny I would like to remember in the future, ok lah, I suppose it's not so funny, it more bimbotic. Hmmphy it's a lesson, don't assume. So here's the bimbotic part, we when to the airport 1 day earlier :/
Nevermind that, we made it safely to Dusseldorf after a transit in Paris.

Arriving Messe Düsseldorf to check out the fair ground. The trip was partially a working trip then pre-honeymoon. Hubs was here for a shoe fair so whenever he's at work, I had fun travelling and discovering places by myself but everyday I'll visit him for lunch and we'll have dinner at some place nice.

After cleaning up the booth we went to a deli round the corner of our hotel for a great snack. Thumbs up for my 1st strawberry tart. I love how easy it was find a deli, they have it everywhere so not a problem to get really good food.
Not to mention how much I love their supermarket, I went there everyday during my stay in Dusseldorf, it was end of summer so strawberries and peaches were really easy to find and not to mention cheap!! Don't forget to try Movenpick Yogurt, it's like the best yogurt ever.

Here's my 1st dinner in Dusseldorf at Brauerei Schumacher. The beer is served once you're seated, like in HK they serve you chinese tea, yeah basically the same thing here. Hubs was super happy because he's a beer person unlike me, I choose to stick with my Germany Sausage Platter.

The famous spot where every tourist stops and snaps a pic.

DAY 2 Königsallee
This is where the shopping happens, a paradise for shoppers like me! The shops are a combination of luxury and commercial brands and I happen to be there during end of summer sales so yay for me!!!
Shoes were my 1st priority because I got feet like a big foot so I hardly get any stylish footwear in Malaysia. My 1st thought was Birkenstock, it was shocking when I entered the shop, everything was nearly gone, like wtf! How can! ZARA sales was crazy unfortunately the sizes left for ladies are far too big so I can't fit in em but hubs was lucky, he got all the S and XS sizes

I don't remember the name of these but you can get it at the snack food available in Kongsallee, it was potato wedges with some sauce that taste like twisties.

A typical deli. Makes me so hungry looking at it nao lol

Guten Morgan DAY 3.
Here's my typical breakfast for 2 before sending off hubs to work. lol. I'm speaking as if I'm living there, I wish I could. Maybe sometime in the future if I'm lucky nuff.

How not not fall in love with this place ♥♥♥

Hidden beauty I spotted, Nordpark. As I was walking to the trade fair to visit hubs I stumble upon this relaxing spot, I've been walking past it for days and I've seen people walking in and out of that gate, I was quite curious what was behind it, lol, I know I *bu pa si* wander around alone, my family will be furious when they hear this but it was really worth it, the atmosphere was wonderful, there were birds,swans and ducks which my hubs made jokes of me caused I was so amazed by them pfft men! what do they know right?

DAY 4 Düsseldorf Altstadt
Highly recommend Fischhaus Düsseldorf for dinner. The restaurant is usually packed so you'll have to wait a lil while to be seated but it's worth the wait.

A stroll around Altstadt after dinner. I'm enjoying this trip all over again writing this post but I'm gonna stop for now before it's getting too long. Shall return another time to jot down my lovely memories of my Europe Trip ♥